
Karaoke for Alabama - 40 Hour Week

Alabama - 40 Hour Week (03:18)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
Alabama - 40 Hour Week (03:18)
Alabama - Angels Among Us (04:23)
Alabama - Born Country (03:19)
Alabama - Cheap Seats (03:52)
Alabama - Close Enough To Perfect (03:33)
Alabama - Dixieland Delight (05:22)
Alabama - Dixieland Delight (05:22)
Alabama - Face To Face (03:00)
Alabama - Feels So Right (03:29)
Alabama 3 - Have You Seen Bruce Richard Reynolds (04:42)
Alabama - High Cotton (03:01)
Alabama - Hour Week (03:20)
Alabama - I Cant Hide My Heart (03:09)
Alabama - If I Had You (03:35)
Alabama - If Youre Gonna Play In Texas (03:46)
Alabama - If Youre Gonna Play In Texas (03:22)
Alabama - Im In A Hurry (02:49)
Alabama - Im In A Hurry (02:50)
Alabama - Jukebox In My Mind (03:40)
Alabama - Louisiana Saturday Night (02:11)
Alabama - Love in the First Degree (03:24)
Alabama - Mountain Music (04:11)
Alabama - Mountain Music (04:11)
Alabama - Roll On (04:16)
Alabama - Song Of The South (03:12)
Alabama - Song Of The South (03:11)
Alabama - Tar Top (03:58)
Alabama - The Closer You Get (03:37)

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